Kaspersky App Updater

Kaspersky App Updater

Kaspersky App Updater: Keeping Your Software Updated All Time

In an era where software vulnerabilities and security threats are ever-evolving, staying up-to-date with application versions is crucial. Kaspersky App Updater steps in as a reliable solution to ensure that your installed applications are patched, secure, and optimized.

Search for application updates

To start the search for application updates:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Performance section.
  3. In the App Updater block, click the Search for updates button.

This starts the search for application updates.

What Is Kaspersky App Updater?

Kaspersky App Updater is a feature available in Kaspersky Plus 1 User (specifically in the Standard, Plus, and Premium editions). Its primary purpose is to simplify the process of updating applications installed on your computer. Let’s explore its key features:

  1. Automatic Updates: Kaspersky App Updater automatically scans your system for outdated applications and suggests updates. You won’t need to manually hunt down the latest versions anymore.
  2. Security and Functionality Updates:
    • Important Updates: These address vulnerabilities in installed applications, enhancing your computer’s security.
    • Recommended Updates: These improve functionality and may introduce changes to the applications you use.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: The interface is intuitive, making it easy for users of all levels to manage their software updates efficiently.

How Does It Work?

  1. Automatic Mode:
    • If you’ve selected the “Automatically update” mode in the Kaspersky settings, the application will handle updates seamlessly. It ensures that your software stays current without any manual intervention.
    • When a new version of an application is available, Kaspersky App Updater will download and install it automatically.
  2. Manual Mode:
    • If you prefer more control, you can manually trigger the update search.
    • Navigate to Security → Database Update → Databases update schedule to configure your preferences.

Why Use Kaspersky App Updater?

    1. Comprehensive Software Coverage: It scans a wide range of software applications installed on the user’s system, including popular programs and utilities, ensuring thorough coverage.
    2. Automatic Updates: The application automatically identifies outdated software versions and prompts users to install updates, streamlining the update process and reducing the risk of overlooking critical patches.
    3. Scheduled Scans: Users can schedule regular scans to check for updates at convenient times, minimizing disruption to their workflow while maintaining security vigilance.
    4. Safety and Reliability: Developed by Kaspersky Lab, renowned for its commitment to cybersecurity, Kaspersky App Updater prioritizes safety and reliability, providing users with peace of mind when managing their software updates.
    5. Customization Options: Users have the flexibility to customize scan settings according to their preferences, allowing them to tailor the application to suit their specific needs.
    6. Resource Efficiency: Kaspersky App Updater is designed to operate efficiently without significant impact on system performance, ensuring smooth functionality alongside other applications and tasks.


How to change App Updater settings

To change App Updater settings:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Click Setting in the lower part of the main window.

    This opens the Settings window.

  3. Select the Performance settings section.
  4. Click the App Updater button.

    This opens the App Updater settings window.

  5. If you do not want Kaspersky application to automatically download and install application updates that do not require acceptance of a new end user license agreement, clear the Automatically download and install updates if you do not have to accept new license agreements check box.

    This check box is selected by default.

  6. In the Search for application updates section, select which application updates will be downloaded and installed by Kaspersky application:
    • Select Important updates that improve computer security if you want Kaspersky application to install only important updates that fix software vulnerabilities and improve the security of your computer.
    • Select All updates for known applications if you want Kaspersky application to install all software updates.

Kaspersky App Updater is your ally in maintaining a secure and efficient digital environment. Whether you’re a casual user or a tech enthusiast, keeping your software current has never been easier.

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