Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

Unique multi-layered security to protect embedded systems from the latest threats

  • Designed with the specifics of embedded systems in mind
  • The best protection for every configuration and power level
  • Support for multiple platforms


In an era where interconnectedness defines our technological landscape, the security of embedded systems stands as a paramount concern. These systems, often hidden within devices that power critical infrastructure, demand robust protection against evolving cyber threats. Enter Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security, a comprehensive solution designed to fortify the core of embedded systems against cyber intrusions. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of embedded systems security and explore how Kaspersky’s innovative approach safeguards these vital components of our digital infrastructure.

Understanding Embedded Systems: Embedded systems constitute the silent backbone of modern technology, seamlessly integrated into devices ranging from industrial machinery to medical equipment and automotive systems. These specialized computing systems perform dedicated functions within larger mechanical or electrical systems, operating silently behind the scenes. However, their omnipresence and critical roles make them prime targets for cyber attacks.

Challenges in Embedded Systems Security: Securing embedded systems presents unique challenges. Unlike traditional computers or servers, these systems often have limited processing power and memory, constraining the deployment of resource-intensive security measures. Additionally, many embedded devices operate in remote or hostile environments, further complicating security efforts. Furthermore, the long lifecycle of embedded systems exacerbates security risks, as vulnerabilities discovered years after deployment may remain unpatched.

Introducing Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security: Recognizing the need for specialized protection tailored to the intricacies of embedded systems, Kaspersky offers a dedicated solution designed to address these challenges comprehensively. Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security provides a multi-layered defense mechanism, ensuring the integrity and resilience of embedded devices against a spectrum of cyber threats.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Real-Time Protection: Kaspersky’s solution offers real-time monitoring and threat detection, identifying and neutralizing malicious activities before they can compromise the embedded system’s functionality.
  2. Minimal Resource Consumption: Engineered with efficiency in mind, Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security minimizes resource consumption, ensuring optimal performance without imposing undue strain on the embedded device’s limited resources.
  3. Customizable Security Policies: Administrators can tailor security policies to suit the unique requirements of each embedded system, striking a balance between robust protection and operational efficiency.
  4. Vulnerability Management: The solution facilitates proactive vulnerability management, enabling timely patching and mitigation of security flaws to mitigate the risk of exploitation.
  5. Centralized Management: With centralized management capabilities, organizations can efficiently oversee and administer security protocols across their entire fleet of embedded systems, streamlining security operations and enhancing visibility.

In an interconnected world, the security of embedded systems emerges as a critical imperative. Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security stands as a beacon of innovation in this domain, offering tailored protection to safeguard the core of embedded devices against cyber threats. As organizations continue to embrace embedded technologies to drive innovation and efficiency, investing in robust security measures becomes indispensable. With Kaspersky’s solution, the heart of embedded systems beats securely, ensuring the resilience and reliability of our digital infrastructure in the face of evolving threats.


Benefits of specialized protection

Maximum protection for every configuration and power level

Maximized protection

Multi-layer security with opt-in protective layers

  • Every device gets peak protection that its resources can support

  • The latest protection against evolving, even unknown cyberthreats

  • Powerful self-protection mechanisms reduce risks – including direct interference

  • Minimal implementation impact on business processes

Optimized resource use & compatibility

Reliable protection for modern as well as old, resource-weak systems

  • Supports Windows and Linux-based systems

  • Resource constraints don’t impact performance

  • Remote location and poor connectivity are not a problem

  • Protects even legacy equipment using obsolete OSs

Compliance & data safety

Upholds data security and industry regulations

  • Hardened security means fewer incidents

  • Integrity monitoring further strengthen protection

  • Support for native Kaspersky or third-party SIEM facilitates accountability and helps with incident investigations


Challenges of using embedded systems

Resource constraints

Limited system resources mean it’s impossible to use regular endpoint security without severely impacting performance

Specific attack vectors

The purpose-based architectures and operation mode comprise an attack surface that is dissimilar to that of regular computers

Unattended / public use

Embedded devices operate in remote and public spaces, increasing the risk of direct interference and impacting maintenance

Weak connectivity

Low speed and/or erratic connectivity impacts protection and manageability

Data security & compliance requirements

The financial and personal data processed on embedded devices are sensitive and subject to regulations

Software that’s too old – or too new

Many embedded devices use outdated OSs that contain vulnerabilities, and which most modern security solutions don’t support. And protection for new Linux systems is rare.

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