Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Proven cloud-native protection and the best performance for your hybrid environment.

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Benefits

Today’s business focus on digital transformation is triggering rapid cloud adoption. Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security keeps that process safe and efficient. With one product for all your cloud security needs, one license for all workloads, and one console to manage your whole hybrid infrastructure, security becomes one less thing to worry about – leaving you free to focus on other aspects of your digital transformation journey.

Best-of-breed protection
Multi-layered threat protection proactively fights the broadest range of cyberattacks including malware, phishing, and more.

Cost-efficient approach
Our flexible licensing model and a unified cloud console streamline costs and save labor hours, helping you get the most from your security budget.

Optimum security performance
The platform-agnostic product provides outstanding protection without in any way compromising the full benefits of virtualization and cloud-based operations.

Regulatory compliance support
The wide range of features supports full compliance with cybersecurity regulations and reduces the number of routine manual tasks involved in ensuring adherence.


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Use cases
Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security protects your entire hybrid infrastructure, whatever the workload – physical, virtualized, or based in private, public, or hybrid clouds. Whatever your infrastructure, and however it’s evolving, we’ll make sure everything’s running smoothly and safely.

Security for Virtualization and VDI
Today’s data centers need a dedicated security solution that gets the best from all available resources, while keeping you fully secure. That’s exactly what Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security does.

Best performance
Light agents optimized for each OS efficiently reduce consumption of virtualization resources by as much as 30%.

Dedicated solution
The product supports a wide range of server virtualization and VDI platforms, including VMWare vSphere, Microsoft HyperV, Citrix Hypervisor and more.

Smart optimizations
A number of optimizations – including shared cache which shares the results of file scans – decrease the amount of data and the number of operations involved, minimizing the overall load on your IT infrastructure by dramatically reducing IOPS, CPU cycles, memory usage, and disk footprints.

Public Cloud Security
Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security protects Windows and Linux workloads and provides native API integration with AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, alleviating any concerns about the security responsibilities you share with your cloud service provider.

Full visibility
Integration via public cloud API means you can see into every corner, understand how your cloud is organized and be confident you’re protecting all your cloud workloads.

Convenient management
You can see all the instances running under the specified accounts through the management console, using that information to deploy security agents and apply security policies to them.

Automated security
Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security responds automatically to the increasing load as new instances are created and run by the cloud. API and auto-scaling policies ensure that every new instance in each auto-scaling group has security deployed to it, conforming to the policy you as an organization choose to set.

Security for DevOps And Containers
As time-to-market becomes ever shorter, time-to-attack becomes shorter too. Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security makes secures the full software development lifecycle with no negative impact on the business.

DevSecOps enablement
A ‘security as code’ approach, with containerization host memory protection, tasks for containers, image scanning and scriptable interfaces allows you to integrate security tasks into CI/CD pipelines without impacting on the development process.

Secured containers
Secures Docker and Windows containers, so attackers can’t use a malicious container component as a stepping stone into the organization’s internal workings.

Meeting dev needs
On-Access (OAS) and On-Demand Scanning (ODS) of containers, images and local and remote repositories facilitates maintenance of sanitized repos for devs’ needs.


Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Ideal for service providers

As an MSP, MSSP or CSP, you’ll appreciate how easily you can integrate Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security into your infrastructure and deliver it as a service to your customers, securing their cloud journeys with you. Our new step-by-step implementation guide makes the integration process faster and simpler than ever.


Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Suitable for

Organizations with cloud-native architectures, those focused on cloud migration and digital transformation, DevOps practitioners, and highly-regulated businesses with compliance concerns.


National Cybersecurity

Healthcare Cybersecurity

Finance Services Cybersecurity

Telecom Cybersecurity

Transportation Cybersecurity

Retail Cybersecurity


Kaspersky Product



Kaspersky Standard 1 User

Kaspersky Standard 3 User

Kaspersky Internet Security 1 User

Kaspersky Enterprise Security

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